Rooms in my place...pages

Feb 12, 2010

In the midst of pain...

When someone is hurting and you know that their pain is devastating, the last thing you expect them to do is to reach out to you or even think about anything beyond their own pain. At least, we as human beings expect that. However, God expects His children to be a shining light even in the midst of pain. I've often wondered why that is. Today I believe I found out.

Received a message from someone today that has just recently suffered an unexpected loss within their family. If it were me, I couldn't even begin to think about someone else, especially someone that I'm fairly close to, but not really. But this individual did just that today for me. Though they are in great despair, that person was used by God to offer words to me that in a way made my day, but also saddened me tremendously. For whatever reason, I've taken on their suffering even though I did not know the loved one that was lost nearly as intimately or even remotely close as this person does. But that loss has touched me in a way that I can't understand or describe and to get the message that was shared with me today was further acknowledgement that God works in ways that we will never understand and for reasons we don't know why. There is a reason for that message to have been sent to me today. I have yet to fully discern its intent but know that it was meant as an offer of comfort for me even though this person needs more comfort at this very moment than I even knew I needed.

She was my special angel today....and I thank my Father above for her today...and each day hereafter. Who knows what the future may hold for either of us, but I sense that it's going to be okay.

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